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membru din 5 aprilie 2012

Note of Minstry of Agriculture 2000

The English version of the Note of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture(MAA),
no. 1267/19/05/2000


After studying the complete documentation that was laid down as a result of the solicitation of MAA regarding the situation of the Romanian chinologycal movement, from the juridical and factual point of view were considered the following:
1. The legal existence of the chinologycal associations:
AchR pg.1, 3, 4, 5, 6,
a.The Chinologycal Association from Romania (AChR)-registered on the 3rd of September 1976, under the initial name of Romanian Chinologycal Association from RSR, founded by the General Assembly of the Founding Members on the 10th of May 1975, based in Calea Mosilor, no.128, registered with the file no.4407/PJ/1976 at the Court of Law no.3, Bucharest.
Its president is Mr. Vasile Maier, beginning on the 20th of July, 1996, according to the Ruling of the Court of Law no.2, Bucharest, pronounced on 30th of June, 1999, in the same file no.4407/PJ/1976.

b.The Union of the Independent Chinologycal Association in Romania(UAChIR) founded on the 21st of September 1990, file no. 2097/PJ/1990, Court of Law no. 1, Bucharest, based in Bucharest, Popa Tatu Street, no.61, sector.1.
AchR pg.2
Other elements regarding the identification of the hereabove mentioned were not received till the deadline was due according to the convocation letter of MAA, the Cabinet of the Minister no. 1267/05/19/2000.

c.The National Club of Romanian Shepherd dogs (CNCCR)-registered on the 13th of April 1998, founded by the General Assembley of the Founding Members in December 1997, registered by Civil Sentence no.54, file no. 73/PJ/1998, TMB section 4 Civil. CNCCR is based in Dionisie Lupu, 47, Bucharest and is represented by Mr. Cezar Osiceanu as a president, from the day of entering into force up to the present.
CNCCR pg.1,2
2- The Ministery of Food and Agriculture authorized the three associations and granted:
a)The functioning notification necessary to obtain juridical status;
b)The acknowledgement of AchR-Calea Mosilor, 128, as the one and only specialized organization having the right to be represented at the International Chinologycal Federation
AChR pg.10
(FCI)-by the MAA letter- the Cabinet of the Minister no.2096/09/02/1996, that later on was completed by

c)MAA letter- the Cabinet of the Secretary of State no.17176/AD/09/28/1998 where CNCCR is named as the only habilitated organization to represent at the national and international level the issues regarding the Romanian Shepherd Dogs.
CNCCR, pg.5, 6, 7
In the particular case of the CNCCR, the notification and the decision of representation was granted after a preliminary verification of its results from juridical and organizational point of view.

3. From the analysis and verification of the whole documentation that were laid down at the file by each of the three associations convened, came out the following:
AchR pg.24, 5, 6
a)The existence of two associations that pretend to be identically named (AChR), having two different boards, headquarters and bank accounts, fact that is not according to the law in force.
b)The existence of a certain number of trails in the last 5 years and still unsolved between the two
associations mentioned at a) above
AchR pg.4, 5, 6
c)The distruction of the database regarding the records of all the pedigree dogs in Romania; this situation appeared by using double records, lack of control of the modalities of registration, evidence and issuance of the papers of origin (pedigree), and by the illegal usage of the signs and distinguishing marks of some international institutions where Romania is a member(UAChIR) used the sigle of the FCI on the papers of origin issued between 1990 and 1995
CNCCR pg. 15, 18, 23, 25
CNCCR pg. 9-24, 26
CNCCR pg 8, 15, 15A
d)The repeated and systematical violation of the national and international norms regarding the registration and the correct issuance on time of the pedigrees (not to use the Romanian language in the official papers, to use in the same time several types of pedigrees, the uncontrolled
changing of the pedigrees of the dogs that come from countried that are not members of FCI
CNCCR pg.31
CNCCR pg.13, 24, 25, 27
CNCCR pg.26
e)The very bad results got by the two rival fractions of AChR and by the UAChIR in the national and international competitions led to the revokation by FCI of the results obtain in international contests that took place in Romania betwwn 1990-1995
All these led to the scission of the Romanian chinologycal movement and to maintain the status of Romania as associated member of FCI instead of having already the status of full member, as it would have been normal as the result of the positive evolution of the national chinology.
As an important consequence of disobeying the juridical decisions as they were issued by the Court of Law, it is very probable for Romania to be excluded from FCI, as a result of a possible revocation of the whole activity of the national chinology registered at FCI after 17th, March, 1999.
When the Civil Decision nno.606/filr5012/1998 of the Court of Appeal, Bucharest, sector III Civil was pronounced , and the violation of the Protocol of Unification signed between the two parts in conflict that had as due time to be applied on the 15thof November, 1999.

4. The outrunning of the legal attribution by AChR and UAChIR, attributions that are stipulated into the decisions of MAA, has been made by:
a) unauthorized and unregistered Customs Examinations
CNCCR pg.28,29

b) the illegal setting up and cashing of some Customs examination taxes
CNCCR pg.28
c) the violation of the copyright by imposing a tax for international protection of the affix of breeder
CNCCR pg.30
d) the violation of the legislation in force regarding the cashing , registration and declaration of the sums of money in foreign currency from Romanian citizens.

5. Regarding the problem of international homologation of the native breeds of dogs, were considered the following:
a) The lack of certain texts of breed standards for Romanian Shepherd dogs till April 1998 in the archive of MAA, although the request for their registration was approved before 1989 by the minister of agriculture in charge at that time
CNCCR pg.33
CNCCR pg.32
b)The incorrect and incomplete homologation file of Romanian Shepherd dogs , sent by AChR in 1995 to FCI and rejected as it was (the file contained instead of 8blood lines on the generation only 5, the names of the nests did not follow the international norms , the photo section was useless because of the technical quality of the photographs and of the samples photographed, the translations were inaccurate) as it
is obvious from the reply sent by the President of the Standards Commission of FCI at that time.
CNCCR pg.6, 34, 35, 36
c)To strictly follow the norms and demands regarding the zoometric measures necessary for a correct standardization of Romanian Shepherd dogs was performed only on the 12th of April, 1998, by CNCCR,the Faculty of Veterenary Medicine in Bucharest, belonging to the University of Agriculture and Veterenary Medicine in Bucharest. A mixed team formed by representatives of CNCCR, Faculty of Veterenary Medicine and referees of AChR, Calea Mosilor, 128, led by PhD. Ioan Miclaus, the Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine examined a number of 426 samples from all over the country.
At this action were also invited referees of CNCCR -Popa Tatu, 61 Mr. Attila Kelemen included, who officially refused to officiate.
CNCCR pg5,6
d)The official registration of the only standards in force for Romanian Shepherd dogs at MAA was made on the basis of the common request of CNCCR and Faculty of Veterenary Medicine , Bucharest, in April 1998.

e)The deficient registration activity of Romanian Shepherd dogs by the two rival factions from AChR and UAChIR was performed by: the usage of incomplete pedigrees , unregistered, unissued, mistaken and even false.

f)The disobeying of the persons hereabove mentioned of the authority that CNCCR was invested by MAA by facts that are against both the legislation in force and the national interest by establishing and publishing mistaken and incomplete standards different from those published by CNCCR and MAA, created by different means confusion at national level among the breeders and owners.
CNCCR pg37-41, 44
g)The boycott of the actions of CNCCR that brought in Bucharest the number one in the world chinology, the President of the Standard Commission of FCI, dr. J.M. Paschoud, in order to elaborate and verify the international homologation file of Romanian Shepherd dogs, by the circular letter sent by Mr. Petru Muntean.
CNCCR pg. 38, 41, 44, 45, 46
CNCCR pg.40, 46
h)The public recognition of Mr. Attila Kelemen of the premeditated disobeying of the decision of MAA given to CNCCR, published in 'Ziua' Newspaper.


The homologation file of the breed of Romanian Shepherd dogs is ready to be handed over. Today the CNCCR has 20 blood lines on three known generations , without consanguinity(FCI requires minimum , the photo album is correctly made, the club has a strong internal infrastructure (10 branches-Bucharest, Azuga, Abrud, Craiova, Braila, Galati, Timisoara, Piatra_Neamt, Sibiu, Targoviste, Targu-Mures) and
international (USA, Italy, France, Germany, Belgium), the standard was elaborated and edited together with the president at that time of the Standards Commission of FCI, that sow the most valuable samples of the breed and personally checking the whole homologation file.
Because of the conflict from juridical and organizatorical point of view that lasts from 1990 by now, Romania can not hand over the homologation file hereabove mentioned, can not take part into the World Championship from 22-25 June 2000,in Milan, and can not be full member of FCI, and being in danger to be excluded from FCI, on the reasons stipulated hereabove.
This note fundaments totally the necessity of reorganizing the Romanian Chinologycal movement, for a better representation at national and international level.

The General Direction for European Integration and International Cooperation
General Manager
Silvia Capitanu

The General Direction of Agroalimentary Resources and Politics
General Manager
Gheorghe Domocos Reman

The National Association for Improvement and Reproduction in Zootechny
General Manager
Sorin Chelmu

The Direction of Contentious Legislation
Eleonora Sebeni

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sebiamir 25 iulie 2012  
Esti dovada concreta ca majoritatea celor care s-au ocupat de cresterea cainilor/inmultirea lor si care au iesit in fata, sunt niste iresponsabili, niste impostori si psihopati. Esti dovada concreta ca nu ai nici un discernamant si esti rupt de realitate. Oameni ca tine au iesit in fata si ati facut de ras rasele romanesti. Cum un psihopat ca tine ar putea sustine vreodata un punct de vedere?? Cum un psihopat ca tine ar putea convinge vreodata pe cineva ca o idee e buna sau rea?? Esti o scursura a societatii si un om fara capatai... Imi este scarba ca in preajma unor rase atat de frumoase sunt niste mizerabili si niste bolnavi psihici ca tine...
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