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ACHR en francaise   False pedigree pour chien eliberee par ACHR   Ministere Roumain de Nourriture et d Agriculture   OUVREZ LA LETTRE Nr 18085 16 08 2000   Standard FCI dans la part de CNCCRACHR english page   About Cristian Stefanescu   About Petru Muntean   Article from Nine oClock 14 10 2005   Article in USA press   False pedigree registrated and eliberated by ACHR   Note of Minstry of Agriculture 2000   Official adress to the Romanian Gouvernament   The Guardian article 1999ACHR in deutche page   OFFIZIELLER STANDARD DER RUMANISCHEN HIRTENHUNDE MIORITIC      Der false pedigree   Order 17176   PAARUNGS WURFVERTRAGAnaliza Ministerului Agriculturii   Scrisoare Deschisa a consilierului Ministrului AgriculturiiArbitrii autorizati pentru rasele de caini ciobanesti romanesti   Arbitrii CNCCR   Corpul de Abitrii ACHR      Cristian Stefanescu      Munteanu PetruArticole de presa   Arta and Entertainment 15 07 2005   articol 9AM news 2005   Articol Adevarul 2003   Articol Agro Business 2009   Articol Banateanul 2005   articol despre omologarea ciobanestilor romanesti 05 05 2005   Articol din Ziua si Evenimentul Zilei 1999   Articol Editie Speciala Craiova 2009   articol Evenimentul Zilei 03 12 1998   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 10 01 1999   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 2004 omologarea internationala a ciobanestilor romanesti   Articol Evenimentul Zilei 26 martie 1999   Articol Gardianul 2004   Articol Iasi 26 04 2004   Articol in presa americana in anul 2000   articol Jurnalul National decembrie 2006   Articol Libertatea 04 04 1999   Articol Libertatea 11 04 2005   Articol Libertatea 23 04 2003   articol Lumea Animalelor 1994   Articol Monitorul 2010   Articol Presa Online 2007   Articol Presa online Iasi 2007   articol Prieteni fara grai 1998   articol Prieteni fara grai 2-1998   Articol revista Lumea   Articol Romanian VIP USAAsociatia Chinologica a Municipiului Bucuresti ACHMB ACHRCartea de Origine Romana COR ACHRCiobanescul Romanesc Carpatin ACHR   Defecte explicitate la carpatin      Defecte de cap la carpatin      Defecte de culoare la carpatin      Defecte de osatura la carpatin      Defecte de prezentare      Defecte de talie la carpatin   falsuri inregistrate in pedigree   Metisi de carpatiniCiobanescul Romanesc Carpatin CNCCR   Galeria Campionilor Carpatini   linii de sange pe 3 generatii fara consangvinizare   Modele de pedigree   STANDARDUL OFICIAL AL RASEI CIOBANESC ROMANESC CARPATINCiobanescul Romanesc Corb ACHRCiobanescul Romanesc Mioritic ACHR   caini campioni la ACHR   falsuri in pedigree   Metisi de mioriticCiobanescul Romanesc Mioritic CNCCR   Galeria Campionilor Mioritici   linii de amelioratori genetici la mioritic   Lista liniilor pe 3 generatii cunoscute fara consangvinizare   Modele de pedigree folosite   STANDARDUL OFICIAL AL RASEI CIOBANESC ROMANESC MIORITICCiobanescul Sud-Est European ACHR   pedigree falseComunicat de presa CNCCR ACHRDefecte explicitate la mioritic   Defecte ale cozii la mioritic   Defecte de culoare la mioritic   Defecte de osatura-mers-etc la mioritic   Defecte de talie la mioritic   Intretinere si prezentare defectuoasa a robei mioriticului      perii si metode de toaletaj la mioritic   Lipsa parului pe cap si pe labe la mioriticEuro Dog Show 2012Evenimente si expozitii chinologiceFalsuri in documentele oficiale ale ACHR   pedigree false gresite si incompleteFederatia Chinologica Internationala FCIIstoricul Asociatiei Chinologice din Romania ACHROmologarea raselor nationale la FCI

membru din 5 aprilie 2012

Official adress to the Romanian Gouvernament

Ministry of Food and Agriculture
The National Agency for Amelioration and Reproduction in Zootechny “Prof. Dr. G. K. Constantinescu”

SGG 17/8979 – 08.08.2000

Mr. Radu Stroe, General Secretary,
The Romanian Government’s General Secretariat

Dear Mr. Secretary General,

After analyzing the administrative complaint registered with you under the number 20/5497/RS/12.07.2000 (submitted to you one day before
the Government’s meeting during which it was to be discussed the draft of the Governmental Decision for the completion of HG 1223/1996), complaint received from the so called “Romanian Kennel Association”, signed by Petru Munteanu in his capacity as president of the above “association”, we bring to your attention the official position of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture:
1.There is no association legally registered under the name of the “Romanian Kennel Association” with headoffices at 61, Popa Tatu Str., and has no registered president with the name of Petru Munteanu.
2.There is one association called the “Romanian Kennel Association” registered under the number 4407/PJ/1976 with head offices at 128, Calea Mosilor, having as president Mr. Vasile Maier, as per the final Civil Decision nr. 606 of 17 March 1999 issued by the Bucharest Tribunal and the one dated 30 June 1999 of the Bucharest Court, judged as final on 24 August 1999. Moreover, the letter nr. 033/30.06.2000 of the Romanian Kennel Association, addressed to Mr. Prime Minister, which copy we herewith attach, confirms all of the above and, more, informs us about the annulment of the stamp illegally used by Mr. Petru Munteanu.
3.The claimant misled the national and international public by illegally using the name of the association who they tried to substitute, with tragic repercussions today. They also mislead the International Kennel Federation (IKF). Only through a last minute intervention of our Ministry we could avoid Romania being expelled from the Federation, as well as the Romanian participation at the World Championship in Milan with the Romanian Shepherd dogs presentation.
4.Considering the approval of the legal measures to establish the Romanian National Kennel Authority as well as establishing the common measures necessary in order to avoid a possible international conflict which might arouse due to the fact that the IKF ignored the decisions made by the Romanian instances, received by them in official translation, the FCI therefore established a working meeting in Vienna, on 13 August 2000 with the representatives of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture. This underlines once more the necessity of a fast approval of the Governmental Decision for the completion of HG 1223/1996, in the form presented by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture.
5.The proposal regarding the establishment of the Romanian National Kennel Authority as a specialized commission, internationally representative, was made following preliminary consultations with the FCI and based on its statutes. We notice that the FCI’s statutes provides for the existence of a sole habilitated organization, expressly approved as such by the countries’ Governments (such habilitation was
granted in Romania by the Ministry for Food and Agriculture only for the Romanian Kennel Association with headoffices at 128, Calea Mosilor).
6.With regards to the so-called violation of the free association right and to the relationship between the public authority and the representatives of the associations, as described by the Ordinance 26/2000, we consider such allegations false and obviously meant
to mislead. The statutes of the Romanian National Kennel Authority, as stipulated by the draft for the completion of HG 1223/1996, mentions that this Authority will act as a centralized specialized commission which will elaborate the technical norms and the methodology for the entire kennel activity.
The Authority will also make available a series of means and instruments necessary for the carrying out of the kenneling activity. The Authority will, by no means, become an administrative structure for the management of the activities carried out by various kennel associations and foundations, as erroneously presented by the claimant. Moreover, according to the legislation in force, especially Law 40/1975 and HG
1223/1996, preparation of the technical programs of breeding, improvement and reproduction of all animal species are the task of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture and its specialized subordinated structure. The Romanian National Kennel Authority, subordinated to the ANARZ, will have as main task the elaboration of the methodological norms regarding the breeding, improvement and reproduction of dogs, as ANARZ is currently doing for other animal species.

We also send you, attached, an analysis of the files submitted by the claimant as well as by other legally constituted associations to the Ministry of Food and Agriculture for an updated evaluation of the kenneling activity in Romania. The analysis contains references to the above-mentioned files that, at your request, we will be glad to submit to you for further analysis.


General Manager
Sorin Chelmu. "

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sebiamir 25 iulie 2012  
Esti dovada concreta ca majoritatea celor care s-au ocupat de cresterea cainilor/inmultirea lor si care au iesit in fata, sunt niste iresponsabili, niste impostori si psihopati. Esti dovada concreta ca nu ai nici un discernamant si esti rupt de realitate. Oameni ca tine au iesit in fata si ati facut de ras rasele romanesti. Cum un psihopat ca tine ar putea sustine vreodata un punct de vedere?? Cum un psihopat ca tine ar putea convinge vreodata pe cineva ca o idee e buna sau rea?? Esti o scursura a societatii si un om fara capatai... Imi este scarba ca in preajma unor rase atat de frumoase sunt niste mizerabili si niste bolnavi psihici ca tine...
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